A Review on Microcontroller based LPG Gas Leakage Detector


  • Vasudev Yadav
  • Akhilesh Shukla
  • Sofiya Bandra
  • Vipin Kumar
  • Ubais Ansari
  • Suraj Khanna


GSM, microcontroller, MODEM, SIM, LCD, mobile communication, leakage sensor, 555 timers


As we know, security has been major issue in today’s scenario. Accidents are on increasing day by day. Here, we are talking about those accidents that are being occurred due to combustible gases, i.e., LPG, CNG. Frequently we hear, explosion in cylinder of household and vehicles. Several people have been injured and some got dead. So we are making this project for security purpose that will detect combustible gases and alert candidates. Now a day’s, LPG Gas leakage detector’s comes in the market with the LPG sensor that only senses any gas leakage and sends a SMS to the emergency no. provided to it and alerts the user via audio or visual indications while we are on a project in which we are using a stepper motor also in addition to the normal LPG Gas leakage detectors which helps in turning off the switch when there an emergency in our absence. In this paper, we are reviewing on the use of LPG Gas leakage detector along with the stepper motor instead of using other simple Gas leakage detector. The sensor we are using here has excellent sensitivity combined with a quick response time. The sensor can also sense iso-butane, propane, LNG and cigarette smoke. The report consists of a background into the area of 8051 microcontroller and mobile communication, how they are interfaced to each other and AT commands set used in communication.




