Beamforming in Cognitive Radio Networks
Cognitive radio, beamforming, SINR, smart antenna, wireless communicationAbstract
Cognitive radio is a wireless communication technology which adds intelligence to the existing wireless communication scenario. This concept arises due to the heavy occupancy of frequency spectrum below 3 GHz which is caused by the ever growing demand for wireless services by the customers. This problem has placed a heavy burden to the resource allocation policy maker to accommodate between the demand and the available spectrum resources. In this paper, we address the problem of resource allocation in the context of cognitive radio networks (CRN).With the deployment of K antennas at the cognitive base station(CBS), an efficient transmit beamforming technique is proposed to maximize the Signal to noise ratio. We also used the smart antenna beamforming technique to enhance the error rate performance of the system. We simulated the result using MATLAB 7.5 and finally we analyzed the results for two cases, one when adaptive beamforming is used in the proposed system and second when adaptive beamforming is not used in the proposed system.