Antioxidant Activity Test of Scrubbing Cream of Coffee (Coffea Arabica L.) Grounds Ethanol Extract Origin in Wamena, Papua


  • Elsye Gunawan
  • Selviana H. Wally
  • Irene S. Lingga


Antioxidants, Coffea arabica L., Coffee grounds, Ethanol extract, Scrubbing cream


Background: Coffee grounds are residue from coffee powder that has been brewed. Coffee grounds contain substances that can act as antioxidants such as flavonoids and polyphenols. Objective: This study was to evaluate the physical quality of l scrubbing cream and to test the antioxidant activity of coffee powder extract in scrubbing cream. Methods: The scrubbing cream was made in three Formulas with an extract concentration of 0.05% (F1); 0.1% (F2); 0.5% (F3); positive control was vitamin C, and negative control was scrub base, and then each formula was repeated three times. Evaluation of physical preparation quality included organoleptic test, homogeneity, pH, spreading, and adherence. The antioxidant activity test was done using the DPPH method. Results: Based on the results of the physical quality test and antioxidant activity tests, showed that the three formulas by evaluating the organoleptic, homogeneity, pH, spreading, and adherence of the scrubbing cream preparations qualified the requirements for the semisolid preparation. Effects of antioxidant test shown by IC50 values of negative control, F1, F2, F3, and vitamin C respectively were 230.63 ppm, 172.90 ppm, 112.73 ppm, 84.93 ppm, and 6.74 ppm. Conclusion: F3 (0.5%) has antioxidant activities which are classified in the strong category with an IC50 value of 84.93 ppm. So that through this research it can be said that coffee grounds have the potential as antioxidants in food and cosmetic products.

