Stimulantia Effectiveness Test of Papuan Grapes Extract (Sararanga Sinuosa Hemsley) on Male Mice (Mus Musculus)


  • Kurnianti Mendila
  • Lisye Iriana Zebua
  • Rani Dewi Pratiwi
  • Elsye Gunawan


Male Mice, Papua, Stimulants, Sararangasinuosa Hemsley


Papuan grapes (Sararangasinuosa Hemsley) belong to the Pandanaceae family originating from Papua. The Depapre community used it as traditional medicine, food, and stamina enhancer. This research aimed to determine the metabolite compounds of Papuan grape extract, determine the stimulant effect, and obtain the most effective dose as a stimulant from Papuan grape extract given to male mice (Mus musculus). This research method used an experimental method that carried out phytochemical screening, drying shrinkage test, and pre-clinical test using the anti-fatigue method to determine the stimulant effect on 25 male mice and divided into five groups. The data analysis used a one-way analysis of variance with a 95% confidence degree (p≤0.05) and then further test was carried out the Duncan test. This research accepted the H1 hypothesis, where there were significant differences in the various doses of Papuan grape extract. Based on the results of the phytochemical screening, it obtained that Papuan grapes extract contained alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, and saponins. The drying shrinkage test of Papuan grape extract gets a 9.67% average result and follows the Indonesian Ministry of Health standard. The results of the pre-clinical test showed that the lengthy swimming duration in mice was positive control (caffeine 0.195 mg/KgBB) 9.02 minutes, followed by Papuan grape extract at a dose of 15.18 mg/KgBB 7.54 minutes, a dose of 9.10 mg/KgBB 6.45 minutes, and a dose of 3.04 mg/KgBB 4.58 minutes. Meanwhile, the negative control (CMC-Na 1%) had the lowest swimming duration in mice, namely 0.84 minutes. The most effective dose of Papuan grape extract as a stimulant effect given to male mice was the highest dose of 15.18 mg/KgBB.

