India Disavow Patent of Turmeric
Medical Issues, Patent, TurmericAbstract
Curcuma Longa is the category of rhizomes which is an underground stem having family ‘Zingiberaceae’. Its stem is broad and quadrilateral and their sharp leaves with funnel shaped having yellow color flowers. In India, Curcuma Longa is identified as ‘Haldi’. Turmeric contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats, mineral oils and moisture also, their essential oil is obtained by steam distillation process. Yellow color is because of the presence of Curcumin. Turmeric is used as medicinal herb to treat medical issues in India. Antioxidant activity, cardiovascular activity, anti -inflammatory activity, anti – edematous, antimicrobial activity, hepatoprotective activity, renoprotective activity, anticancer effect and photoprotective activity are the medicinal uses of turmeric. In adultration of turmeric toxicity can be produce in powders by adding lead and oxides, Acid yellow 36 is another impurity in turmeric. For wound healing, India revokes the turmeric patent of United State.