Pharmaceutical and Medical Curiosities Written by Abuleli (c.1060-1131)
Abū l- ‘Alā’ Zuhr (Abuleli), Folk Medicine, Islamic Pharmacology, Medieval Arabic ScienceAbstract
Abū l- ‘Alā’ Zuhr, known as Abuleli (c.1060-1131), is one of the most important physicians from Al-Andalus and wrote on pharmacology and medicine. He is the main author on popular scientific knowledge in the middle ages together with Al-Majūsī (d.994) in east. Among his works, we find the treatise entitled in Arabic Kitāb mujarrabāt al-khawāṣṣ (book of the experience facts) that contains interesting descriptions on the healing qualities and the medical characteristics of diverse minerals, plants and animals as well as other incredible attributes that are included in the framework of folk medicine. This study is an approach to the study of this book and adds the English translation of some of its texts taken from the 520th Arabic manuscript at the Bodleian Library in Oxford, UK.