Determinants of Smallholder Farmers Participation on Wheat Row Planting and Its Impact on Wheat Yield: The case in Mari Mansa Woreda, Dawuro Zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia
Adoption, Impact, Propensity score matching, Row planting of wheat, YieldAbstract
Wheat row planting is one of the main agronomic practices supposed to increase wheat yield. This study conducted to analyze determinants of smallholder farmer’s participation on wheat row planting and its impact on wheat yield in in Mari Mansa Woreda, Dawuro Zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia.. The study used Multi-stage sampling technique to select 4 rural kebeles out of 17 kebeles. The primary data collected using random systematic sampling method from 307 sample households, of which 112 were participants whereas 195 were non participants. The data analyzed by using both descriptive and inferential techniques, including mean, standard deviation, percentage, and frequency distribution. The binary logit model and propensity score matching used to analyze the determinant factors of wheat row planting method and its impact on wheat yield among small holder farmers, respectively. Results of the logistic regression reveals that age, education level, amount of urea fertilizer application, access to improved seed and pesticide, active family labor force, participation in off-farm income, access to agricultural extension, farmers saving status, participation in training and participation in field visit days found to be highly important variables influencing adoption of wheat row planting method in the study area. From the result of the propensity score matching the average treatment effects on the treated (ATT) estimated result showed that technology adaptor smallholder farmer’s got with an average of 24.22 quintal of wheat yield per hectare unlike to the matched control group whose average yield of 18.30 qt/ha. This shows participating in wheat row planting increases the yield of wheat by an average of 5.9 qt/ha (24.46% more yield gain) in the study area. Therefore, the office of agriculture and other concerned bodies should give more attention to participate smallholder farmers on wheat row planting method by narrowing the gap between adopters and non-adopters so as to enhance wheat yield.