Customer’s Opinion towards the Services of Select Commercial Banks in Chidambaram Town


  • R. Ramarajan
  • C. Natarajan


Banking services, banking system, customer services


Banking sector is one of the important sub – constituents of the financial system is banking system. As most of the economic activities are supported and provided funds by the banks, efficient and profitable functioning of banks are indicators of healthy and vibrant economy of a country. Banks have become a part and parcel of everybody’s life. Due to major advent in banking sector it is imperative for all to have a transaction with the banking sector. The Indian banking has undergone dramatic changes in the last decade or so ever since the advent of liberalization and India’s integration with the world economy. Indian banking system transformed from various stages. Gone those olden days whereby unorganized sector occupied and dominated the banking sector. Delivering high service quality is one of the best ways a company can respond to competition. Obtaining reliable and valid measures of services quality programmes should have become high priority with expenditure viewed as long term investment for future growth and profitability apart from investment relevant banking technology. In general, the selected branches are rendering banking services to their customers satisfactorily. But, the customers are expecting speed services from the banks.

