Design & Development of a Real-Time Energy-Efficient Dual-Stage Cooperative Routing Protocol in Multi-hop Wireless Sensor Networks for Transmission of Data Packets


  • Hanumanthappa S. N
  • Girish V. Attimarad


Attacker, Authentication, Base Station, Cryptography, Cooperative Communication, Dynamic, Distribution, Energy Efficiency, Energy, Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks, Indoor Industrial Monitoring, Key, Management, Machine Condition Monitoring, Message Authentication Code Protocol, Medium Access Control, Node, Network, Sink, Static, Packets, Routing, Sensor, Security, Source, Space-Time Lock, Stability, WSN


In this paper, the design & development of an energy-efficient dual-stage cooperative routing protocol (DSCR) in multi-hop wireless networks maximizing the network lifetime, increasing the reliability, and minimize the energy consumption is being presented. The main objective of this paper is to present an improvised version of the dual-stage data transfer scheme that computes the routing path by using cooperative mechanisms using the concept of reduced energies of the nodes. This research work presented in this paper also demonstrates the various results obtained for all the test cases along with the necessary observations and explanations in the form of discussions and diagrammatic representations. The paper finally concludes with the overall conclusions of the multi-hop networks. In this research work presented in this paper, we have developed an energy-efficient dual-stage cooperative routing protocol in multi-hop wireless networks with enhancement in their lifetimes with parallel processing concepts and reduced energies of the nodes. The main objective of this contribution is to present an improvised version of the dual-stage data transfer scheme that computes the routing path by using cooperative mechanisms using the concept of reduced energies of the nodes which could be observed from the simulated results. Algorithms were developed using NS2 tools in the Ubuntu environment. Simulations are observed after running the developed code, thus finally demonstrating the various results obtained for all the test cases along with the necessary observations and explanations in the form of discussions showing the effectivity of the methodology proposed in comparison with the work done by the others. The main advantages being the speed of data transmission, the concept of 2-way or 2-stage processing, parallel processing, less time consumption, computation time is very less, reduced energy or power consumption by the nodes since the dual-stage concept is introduced, etc…. are the ones which have been highlighted in this paper.




