Cognitive Radio Package for MATLAB Based on Asynchronous Timers


  • Mareena Susan John


Cognitive radio, distributed coordination function, dynamic spectrum management, opportunistic sharing, software defined radio, spectrum sensing


To achieve an efficient communication system, need for dynamic spectrum allocation capability is required. Nowadays, the spectrum allocation schemes are static in nature. In order to achieve efficient utilization of unused primary bands, we need a technology to make intellectual decisions which in turn reduces spectral congestion and interference. Cognitive radio technology helps the current communication network to identify the issues and can make intellectual decisions based on the current environment conditions. Spectrum sensing, an important factor to achieve cognitive radio, periodically monitor the frequency spectrum to find out unused frequency user bands. This unused primary bands can used by the secondary users that results smooth functioning of our communication system. This paper proposes a full cognitive radio package which consists of different communication parameters like protocols, networking, modulation format etc.




