Scenario of Women Workforces at the Informal Sector in India


  • Ayan Banik


Employment, Female, Informal Sector, Labourers, Participation, Skill


In the unorganized market, globalization trends, export-oriented industrialization and the migration of factories from industrialized countries to emerging countries have contributed to the increase in the number of women employed. use. The type of work that women participate in is mainly classified into salaried work, self-employment, domestic work and contract work. There is no clear employer-employee partnership in the unorganized market and there are no specific aspects of social security. They move from job to job and use their talents and abilities to make a living, even though these employees do not have a permanent employer. In the construction industry, trained and unskilled employees work for low wages. In an unorganized market, the work atmosphere and environmental standards are often very dangerous. In search of job prospects, people move from different regions and countries, abandoning their homeland, and this is one of the main explanations for their exploitation.

