Significance and Outline of Human Development Index
Education, HDI, Human Development Report, Human Development, HealthAbstract
The 2020 UNDP HDR entitled the next frontier Human Development and the Anthropocene Presents the 2019 HDI for 189 countries and UN-Territories. Human development progress is measured by human development report with the help of five indexes. Human development report of 1990 introduced a new way of measuring development with the help of combing indicators of life expectancy, education attainment and income into a composite human development index. The HDI. Four variables are responsible for measurement of the components GNI per capita (PPP USD), literacy rates, combined gross enrolment ratio and life expectancy at birth years. The composite index has figure between 0 and 1, of which 1 indicates high level of human development and 0 being no level of human development countries are according given a specific rank based on their success in achieving human development, presented yearly in the global HDRs. Globally, India is ranked 131 out of 189 countries.