Women Empowerment through Employability & Entrepreneurship Skills



  • S. Sirisha


Education System, Indian economy, Women employability, Women empowerment, Women entrepreneurship


Traditionally, wage employment was found in the agricultural sector, but now the number of women workers is increasing in the service and industrial sectors. The government has developed several plans to strengthen the role and contribution of women. Various schemes and incentives are offered by government and non-government agencies to encourage and support women entrepreneurs. These incentives, systems, and favorable policies create a better working environment for them to promote the growth of women's entrepreneurship in the country. The current scenario has favored entrepreneurs, as the government has introduced Brand India, Startup India, and many other programs to promote entrepreneurship in the country.

Entrepreneurship involves risk, innovation, and immense creativity. The inner courage, skills, and amazing abilities of the entrepreneur are the core of the entrepreneurial instinct. Entrepreneurs face many challenges when creating and implementing new business ideas. Women, who are the primary caregivers, have many more responsibilities than men. Although they face many challenges, they are given the inherent responsibility of maintaining a smooth balance between work and family life. In the present scenario, women are now seeking gainful employment in various fields due to modernization, urbanization, globalization, the improvement of educational institutions, and the increasing awareness in which they participate. Education increases knowledge, which enables access to resources and opportunities. Empowering women through their own positive decision-making, access to information, and management of resources increases the economic strength of the country. Entrepreneurship is the future of today's society. The study is based on a desk study. This document is about empowering and up skilling women through entrepreneurial opportunities. This article seeks to highlight the policy support provided to women entrepreneurs in India. The purpose of this study is to understand the role of entrepreneurship in women's empowerment. The article concludes with some suggestions to promote women's entrepreneurship and the healthy growth of the Indian economy.

