Effect of Business Location on the Performance of Small-Scale Enterprises in Nyamagana District, Mwanza City -Tanzania
Business area, Business location, Employee, Entrepreneurship, Small-scaleAbstract
The focus of this study was on the "effect of business location on the performance of small-scale enterprises in Nyamagana District, Mwanza, Tanzania." The specific goal was to find out how the presence of protection in businesses affected the performance of small businesses. The sample size was 108 small business owners, and the group that was meant to be studied was 150 small businesses. The survey strategy was used, and a quantitative research method was used for the study. Structured surveys were used to collect the data, and 108 of them were sent to small business owners in the Dumple areas, the centre of Buhongwa Ward, and the eastern part of Buhongwa Center, all of which have a lot of small businesses. However, only 99 surveys that were filled out and sent back by the respondents were accepted. With the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS V20), descriptive statistics, regression analysis, and inferential statistics were used to look at the data. Based on the study, there is a positive relationship between the independent variable (business security) and the dependent variables (sales volume and profit). This relationship affects the performance of small businesses. The final regression results show that the independent factors and the dependent variable are related in a good way. In the form shown in Table 4, the regression coefficient looked like this: the security of business shows that there is a strong and positive link between it and the success of small businesses.
Based on these findings, security was found to have the most impact on the performance of small businesses in the Buhongwa ward.