An Experimental Investigation of New Mechanism for the Space Rover Wheel


  • Dhakshna Moorthy. D


Benefits of new project, Chain track mechanism, Rover calculation, Rover mechanism, Space rover


This paper explain the problem faced by space rover and the problem rectification ofthose problems. Including different ways of using the rover mechanism in the alternative rocker bogie mechanism. A new mechanism idea introduced in the rover wheel is to create a 45-degree solid angle. Rovers deployed in space missions are equipped with various mechanisms designed to protect their wheels from potential obstacles encountered during exploration. These mechanisms aim to enhance the durability and strength of the rover while ensuring smooth movement across challenging terrains. One common feature is the use of robust materials in wheel construction, such as durable metals or composite materials, to withstand the harsh conditions of extraterrestrial surfaces. Presently, rovers incorporate sophisticated features to navigate and operate effectively in space environments. Advanced wheel designs often include specialized treads or patterns that optimize traction, minimize slippage, and improve and manoeuvrability on rugged terrain. Some rovers also integrate suspension systems or mechanisms that can adjust the height or angle of the rover to overcome obstacles, ensuring a smoother traversal across uneven surfaces. As for new ideas in space projects involving rovers, ongoing research focuses on enhancing the autonomy and intelligence of these machines. Incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms and machine learning capabilities enables rovers to make real-time decisions, adapt to changing environments, and autonomously navigate through complex terrains without constant human intervention.





