Safe: Security Alert for Female
Android, GPS, Registered contacts, Security alert, URLAbstract
Despite its superpower status and economic growth, our nation still has a high rate of crimes against women. A slew of new applications have been created to offer security systems to women via their phones as a result of the terrible tragedy that shocked the entire country and woke us up to the safety concerns. Android software called SAFE-Security Alert for Females is available for women's safety and may be launched with a simple click whenever necessary. A single click on this programme locates the position of the place using GPS, sends a message to the registered contacts including the location URL, and calls the first registered contact to assist the user in dangerous situations. The "stop" button in the programme must be clicked for the application to cease sending messages to the contacts you have registered constantly every five minutes. SMS-based continuous location monitoring information makes it easier to locate the victim promptly and rescue them securely.