Advanced Driver Assists and Safety Management System
Atmega328p, Ardunio Software, GPS, GSM, LCD, Power Supply Unit, SensorAbstract
Electronics and communication is the most important field. In this paper, we can describe how much safety is in the Automobile industry. In this paper, we are using uno-Arduino. The different types of sensors facilities are also provided using key points. The different sensors are provided to check visitor count. In this system, we can monitor and control all the safety precautions their one IoT web platform. This helps in the proper utilization of drivers and helps in avoiding accidents. This paper can be implemented in any two-wheelers, heavily loaded trucks, small SUVs, compact cars. In our paper, the electronics machine/components will be automatically working with using of Arduino program. The proposed wireless sensor platform is an attempt to develop more safety devices that can be used in multiple areas such as homes, schools, and public utilities to reduce accidents. This Advanced Driver Assists system will provide real-time accident detections and monitoring usage information that helps in real-time by using GSM, GPS, and sensors.