Analysis on Tracing And Locating Any Liability in Underground Cable Based PIC Microcontroller


  • S. P. Suresh


Fault Detection, Fault Location, PIC Microcontroller, Underground link


The present age depends on robotization and requesting the quickest reaction. In a power framework, numerous costly segment is utilized. The underground connection is one of the fundamental parts of the electrical structure. Because of certain reasons flaw happens in the underground link. Since it is difficult to find the right region of that fault, the essential purpose of this endeavor is to choose the correct detachment of underground connection fault from the base station in kilometers. In the existing framework diverse microcontrollers 8051 arrangement are utilized. The proposed system is to find the right zone of the fault in underground connection by using PIC microcontroller 18F4520.In this task, we are utilized the idea of Ohms law that is exactly when a low DC voltage is associated at the feeder end through a game plan resistor suggests Cable lines, at that point current, would change depending upon the zone of fault in the connection. If there is a short out (Line to Ground), the voltage across arrangement resistors changes in like manner, which is then taken care of to an ADC to create exact computerized information which the modified in PIC microcontroller would show in kilometers.




