Smart Vision-Based Vehicle Collision Avoidance System for Wildlife Animals


  • Shruti Rathi
  • Sayali Gajghate
  • Sharvari Gijre
  • Simran Barbate
  • P. R. Selokar


Animal, Pothole, Collision, Roads, Ultrasonic, Wildlife


India is the country that does not have proper maintenance of the road, over 95% of the people use road transportation. With the increase in accident rates and poor road quality across the country, the good health of public roads is of utmost importance. Another serious problem that the country is facing includes death and injuries due to road accidents. The collision of an animal with the vehicle on the highway is one such big issue that leads to such road accidents. The pothole detection and wildlife collision avoidance application proposed enables the driver to receive information about the potholes on the roads. The application can be integrated into the vehicle so as to alarm the driver in the form of a visual signal and audio signal. It also helps in wildlife management in the surrounding area of human passages to establish safe ways for animals to cross transportation infrastructures.




