Machine Learning Technology Development In Cultivation of Paddy Crops Along With Management Issues


  • Sampath Kumar S
  • Shanthi Prasad M. J.


Algo, AI, Cultivation, Classification, CNN, ML, MLR, Paddy, RTR, Review, SVM


In this research paper, a brief review of the machine learning technology development in the cultivation of paddy crops along with management issues is presented in a nutshell. The advancement of AI advances with profound learning calculations and information science has made new open doors in the cross-utilitarian rural advances space. In this paper, we present an innovation audit with a comprehensive report and Adaption of Advanced Machine Learning approaches in Paddy Crop Cultivation and Management. Worldwide innovation changes have impacted the rice planting designs in the course of recent many years. Accessibility of the gigantic data set of data identified with the different species has made the investigation simpler particularly in the front of robotized species acknowledgment utilizing progressed AI calculations. In this innovation audit, broad investigation and examination are led to anticipate, recognize, measure, arrange, and distinguish the rice plant infections and determining rice crops utilizing different AI procedures. The sifting and arrangement of the introduced articles show how the paddy cultivating and development cycle will profit by cutting edge AI innovations. Incorporation of sensor information with AI is giving the best approach to cultivate the executive's framework to develop into ongoing shrewd computerized reasoning empowered applications which give exact proposals and profound experiences for rancher choice help and activity.




