Social Media, Violent Extremism, Conflict and Terrorism in Nigeria
The increasing rate of violent extremism, conflict and terrorism has become a major
challenge for many societies today. The fact that human lives and fundamental human rights
are threatened by the growth of the phenomena which make the issue more complex and
affront to peace. As records of destruction of lives and properties constantly appreciate, the
popular narrative points at the adoption and use of social media as key contributory factors
propelling violent extremism, conflict and terrorism. Since it has been established that
terrorism, conflict and violent extremism are intertwined and cannot exist and thrive
independently and that social media creates a firm platform for them to be firmly grounded
globally. This paper explored the nexus between the concept of social media, violent
extremism, conflict and terrorism highlighting the role of the mass media in the discourse.
The paper traced historically how these terms have pose a threat globally to security with a
closer look on the Nigerian sovereign entity in particular.