Adaptive TCR Control of STATCOM for Voltage Regulation
Load bank, STATCOM, Reactive power compensation, Voltage stability, Adaptive control.Abstract
In recent days a better reduction of transmission related problem and study of FACTS
devices connected in field with the problem of reactive power compensation is increased.
FACTS devices provide an opportunity to block, by controlling active and reactive power
flows as well as line voltages. We have found that the study of shunt operations of FACTS
devices and how it helps in better operating under normal working condition is urgent need.
To enable the voltage stability of power system, STATCOM provides fast response and
efficient reactive power compensation. The adaptation is self governing, this gives the plugand-play potential for STATCOM operation. STATCOM is mainly used for reactive power
compensation on electric transmission. A STATCOM or static synchronous compensator or
static compensator is a synchronizing device which is used on alternating current electricity
transmission networks. In an actual transmission line Ferranti effect occurs. In Ferranti
impact the collectors end voltage is more noteworthy than the senders end voltage which as a
result makes framework hinder. By using microcontroller we can automatically control the
receiving end voltage.