Reversible ALU Circuit Realization Using Verilog HDL


  • Vishal A. Wankhede
  • Ramprasad M. Gawande


Digital logic designs, logical reversibility, optimal efficiency, physical reversibility


Reversibility in computing implies that no info regarding the process states will ever be lost,
thus, we are able to recover any earlier stage by computing backwards or un-computing the
results. This is often termed as logical changeability. The advantages of logical changeability
are gained solely when using physical changeability. Physical changeability may be a
method that dissipates no energy to heat. Completely excellent physical changeability is
much impossible. Computing systems provide off heat once voltage levels modification from
positive to negative: bits from 0 to 1. Most of the energy required to create that modification
is given off within the style of heat. Rather than dynamic voltages to new levels, reversible
circuit parts can bit by bit move charge from one node to subsequent. This way, one will
solely expect to lose a second quantity of energy on every transition. Reversible computing
powerfully affects digital logic styles. Reversible logic parts square measure required to
recover the state of inputs from the outputs. It will impact instruction sets and high-level
programming languages similarly. Eventually, these will need to be reversible to produce
best potency.




