Assessment of Self Compacting Concrete Using Foundry Sand as Partial Replacement for Fine Aggregates
Self-Compacting concrete, Foundry sand, Workability, Compressive strength, Split tensile strengthAbstract
Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is performance based concrete, which makes the concreting
easier in case of heavily reinforced structures. On the other hand, the development of
construction industry resulted in depletion of fine aggregates. Hence to overcome these
problems the Self-Compacting concrete (SCC) of M20 grade was designed by partially
replacing the fine aggregates with foundry sand in varied proportions (10%, 20%, 30% and
40%). Effect of foundry sand on the concrete in fresh and hardened state were analysed and
from the experimental results, it was observed that as the content of foundry sand increases
the workability decreases. The hardened properties (split tensile strength and compressive
strength) of the concrete increases up to a replacement of 30% and then decreases with
further replacement, however the strength will be greater than that of controlled cubes in all
the cases. The compressive strength for 30% replacement was increased by 5% when
compared to the controlled cubes. The split tensile strength obtained for 30% was increased
by 7% compared to that of controlled cubes.