Influence of Nano Silica on Impact Strength and Microstructure of Concrete


  • Sameer S. Kumawat
  • Varsha G. Jadhav


ACI committee, Impact strength, Nano silica, Pozzolanic, SEM microanalysis


The purpose of this study was to look at the effect of nano silica on concrete to study its impact strength and verify microstructure of same concrete. In this study nano silica in concrete is replaced 0%, 1%, 2% and 3% by weight of cement. Concrete disc specimen samples of 150mm diameter and 60mm length for impact strength. All samples are made according to the standard codal as per ACI committee 544.2R-89:2009 and tested for 28 days of curing. Impact test showed the improvement in its strengths compare to normal control mixes. The further work is carried out by performing SEM microanalysis on fractured specimens the results showed the dense microstructure for concrete containing nano silica as compare to control mix. It also confirmed the pozzolanic reaction done due to the addition of nano silica particles.




