Parallel Programming Using Turbo Basic of Developed Software “Medical Office”


  • M. Shoikhedbrod


Computer language Turbo Basic, Interpolation prognostication, Parallel programming, Software development, Source codes


Parallel programming is understood as the development and implementation of algorithms in computer languages ​​in such a way as to use several computers (processors) of automated workstations to solve a common problem, for example in medicine - to cover the observation of patients, their treatment and predicting the results of treatment within a large medical center.

Achieving the goal of this task is carried out by developing such software that could quickly monitor patients, and their treatment, statistically processing the results of this treatment and predicting the outcome of treatment, using more automated workstations (departments of the medical center) for the division of common work.

The advantages of such parallel programming are that computers can execute programmer-created codes more efficiently, which can save time and money by sorting "big data", processing it with proven scientific statistical packages, and applying mathematical prediction faster than ever before.

The article presents such parallel programming in the Turbo Basic programming language, which made it possible to develop software “Medical Office” that implements at the program level (sending commands to a computer - source codes) simple creation, filling, editing, and receiving, at the request of a doctor, complete information about the patient (medical database data), in real-time, using all automated departments of the medical center and using computer statistical processing of this information, to effectively participate in the processes of diagnosis, treatment and, using the optimal interpolation prognostication, predict the studied symptoms and the results of treatment of patients in clinical practice.




