FIT BIT- A Web Application for Fitness Management System


  • Rekha VS
  • Mani Barathi SP S, M. Sujithra


Customer, functionality, online, trainer, web-based


Most of the people in this today’s world are unhealthy mainly due to the lack of intake of hygienic food and lack of exercise. Nowadays, most of the people are failed to be fit. Lack of fitness drastically can bring health issues for the human beings in their very small age. Each human being should take some step to maintain their body fitness to stay healthy. Most of the people feel inconvenient to go in search join of fitness class. So, each person needs a connectivity to their good fitness class. This could solve their problems without any inconvenience and could maintain body fit in an efficient way. So, considering all these issues, a web page has been developed to connect the fitness class coach and the joiner to their convenient region and conditions. We are providing the website in which the user of the system can register online to join the fitness class. Service offered by the class and the trainer information of the fitness class are provided in this system. Since, many good fitness classes may be localised to specific region hence some people cannot join due to distance issue. In this system, user can virtually attend classes in online mode they can preplan their schedule accordingly coach will be assigned to them.




