Facemask Detection using Application of Machine Learning and Computer Vision in Real Time System
Computer vision, Convolutional neural network, Corona virus, COVID-19, Deep learning, Face mask detection, Keras, OpenCV, Machine learning, TensorflowAbstract
COVID-19 forced people to wear face masks Worldwide And slower economic growth Country. People today Adheres to a set of mandatory agreements Wearing a face mask in public places. Researchers, too Wearing a face mask has proven to be protective Virus infection. Department of Research N95 also means a difference in performance Surgical masks are 91% and 68%, respectively. However, capacity Decreases due to inhibition of transmission of the disease Improper use of face masks in public places. It is important to implement the process automatically Wearing masks in public places is an innovation Provide personal protection and prevent location Infection.
Machine learning is one of the most exciting sub-sets Practical skills in mechanical training New data independently by repetition. They have been trained many times Many times until you get the desired output. In general, machine learning can be used to process images, Real time advertising, spam filtering technology, etc. Deep learning is part of the machine learning methodologies Based on ANN Designed to read abbreviations Data using a hierarchical structure. Read in depth Consists of various neural networks that use cores Neural Network Management Processor (Militant, 2019). This is a well-known way to emerge Used I the artificial intelligence domain, Computer Vision One of those domains. The Conventional Neural Network (CNN) is an organization An important in-depth learning approach that works Solid Training. In this study, we used CNN, viz MobileNetV2 and VGG16 to compare accuracy between the two Other popular libraries include Tenserflow, Caras, Imutiles, OpenCV. The system is limited to a limited data set and good recognition accuracy. The proposed program is a real-time application In the automation of the testing process conducted in People in public places are being forced to wear masks again To take part in the fight against the virus. This could be the show Used in real-time video surveillance cameras, drones and anything Mobile cameras to monitor public places for public viewing Without mask.