Evaluation of Bond Pad Structures by using Harsh Wire Bonding


  • Arun Kumar


Harsh wire bonding, SiO2, instrumentation, metallic element, IC


IC bond pad structures having Al metallization and SiO2 insulator are historically designed
with full plates in underlying metallization layers, connected by vias. Additionally, pads
having bond over active electronic equipment (BOAC) that square measure way more
sensitive to pad cracks, square measure possible gift within the same IC. Cracks within the
pad insulator weaken the bond dependableness and will cause electrical outpouring or shorts
to electronic equipment beneath the pad. Cracks square measure additional possible to occur
throughout metallic element wire bond thanks to higher bonding stress as compared to Au
alloy wire bonding. Experimental knowledge from bonding with 1mil Au or metallic element
wires reveals dramatic variations in pad hardiness against cracking, relying upon the
underlying metal structures and patterns. A “harsh” Au wire bond formula is additionally
developed to supply the strain effects of metallic element wire bond in experiments while not
having to upgrade older bonding instrumentation for metallic element wire. Cratering check
once wire bond is employed to judge pad cracking. Ball shear checking followed by a
cratering test any reveals pad cracking tendencies. Style principles for exaggerated pad
hardiness to cracking square measure developed supported the information. Dependableness
knowledge verifies the effectiveness of the planning principles. Correct style of interconnects
at a lower place the pad will greatly increase pad hardiness to cracking, permitting way
more margin in bonding stress, sanctionative the choice of Au or metallic element wire bond
on an equivalent IC while not pad cracking.




