Analysis of LULC Change in Kozhikode Corporation Using Remote Sensing & Geographical Information System


  • Arunima Pradeep
  • Sufana Ahammed
  • Binisha P


GIS, LULC features, Modify land, Population, Remote sensing


Due to the interfering activities of humans in the environment, the Earth's surface has witnessed a variety of changes in land use and land cover (LULC). An understanding of LULC is important to maintaining a sustainable and healthy environment. The
present work accentuates a spatiotemporal study on the LULC features of Kozhikode Corporation, a rapidly developed urban area
in Kozhikode district, Kerala, India. The study focuses on the trends in Land use change due to the increase in population. For
this study satellite images from Landsat 8 and Landsat 7 for the years 2000 and 2022 were interpreted. The LULC aspects were divided into categories of 5 classes: water body, vegetation, built-up land, barren land, and sand deposit. The findings affirm that the expansion of the built-up land area is proportionate to the growth of the population. Modern technologies such as remote sensing and geographic information system accentuate changes in land use patterns over time and the extent to which the changes affect the human population and their habitat.




