Evaluation of Strength Characteristics of Crushed Glass-Soil Mixes


  • Vishnu T C
  • S. Chandrakaran


Crushed glass, laterite, clay, sand, unconsolidated undrained test, modified proctor test


Soil can be modified by adding several additives and thereby improving their strength characteristics. Crushed glass is one such additive. Apart as an effective soil modification additive, the curb side glass can be beneficially utilised. Aim of the project is to evaluate the improvement in the strength characteristics of the soil after adding crushed glass. In this project crushed glass of different sizes and in varying percentages by weight are used and test are conducted to evaluate the improvement in the strength characteristics. The first step is to conduct the grain size analysis of the soil to check the percentage of fines present in it. This analysis is basically done to get an idea of the size of the crushed glass after crushing the glass in Los Angeles Abrasion machine. In this project it is decided to do following tests viz; Grain size analyses, Compaction test, California bearing ratio test, unconfined compressive strength test. It is expected that, the addition of crushed-glass to soil will improve the strength characteristics of soils having different percentage of fines.




