Effect of Industrial Waste on Consistency Limits of Black Cotton Soil


  • Ram S. Wanare


soil , fly ash , properties, soil stabilization


The knowledge of soil Stabilization in geotechnical engineering has been reported by many
researchers. Journal articles and text books on stabilization technology are available to the
students, practicing and consulting engineers in the field of geotechnical engineering. This
state of the art brings, up to date trends in stabilization practice with the main focus on
stabilization materials. The objective of study is to evaluate the feasibility of industrial waste,
brick kiln dust and fly ash as soil stabilization material. To investigate the effect of brick kiln
dust and fly ash on engineering properties of black-cotton soil. A series of laboratory
experiments have been conducted on black-cotton soil samples mixed with different
percentage of stabilizing material of brick kiln dust and fly ash by weight of dry soil. The test
result shows the significant increment in CBR value in soil consisting brick kiln dust and fly
ash, which found useful in construction of sub-bases and sub grades for road pavements.
Present work consists of testing of soil to determine the optimum percentage of brick kiln dust
and fly ash.




