Influence of Shear Wall on Seismic Behaviour of Structure


  • Prof. M. V. Mohod
  • Miss S. S. Nibhorkar


Retrofitting technique, Shea walls, Equivalent Static Analysis, Response Spectrum Method


Survey of earthquakes from last few decades shows the vulnerability of earthquakes and
devastation occurs due to earthquakes. The research on earthquake engineering has resulted
in enormous expansion and development of elementary knowledge on the performance,
engineering design, retrofitting or strengthening of existing structure for increasing safety
factor during earthquake. Considering the growth of urbanization in the field of civil
infrastructure consist of all structural development in India. Due to increasing population in
urban area there is a problem occurs for parking space for controlling this problem, we were
construct open ground storey structure but the behaviour of open ground structure in
earthquake is tremendously depraved proves in past earthquake in Gujrat. Hence there is a
need of retrofitting of an existing open ground structure by using feasible and practical
techniques of retrofitting. Therefore, a comprehensive study on the seismic behaviour and
retrofitting of existing structure is of significant important. The research paper focused and
described it. In this research paper we studied performance of shear wall as a global
retrofitting technique for this purpose three dimensional models are adopted to understand
the effect of shear wall and comparative results are presented in graphical form to justify the
chosen global retrofitting technique.




