Prediction of Landslides in Nilgris
Landslide Susceptibility, Artificial Neural Network, Back PropogationAbstract
Nilgiris district the mountainous region of Tamil Nadu is highly subjected to landslides
causing loss of life and damage to property. It is a recognized fact that landslide and
landslide prone areas can be identified using remote sensing techniques. In this study
artificial neural network for landslide susceptibility has been studied and then applied to the
study area of Nilgiris. The landslide susceptibility maps provide information to support
decision for resource development, planning in land use and in linear projects such as roads,
railways, pipelines transmission lines etc. The landslide related factors were extracted from
the spatial database created. These factors were then used with artificial neural network to
analyze the landslide susceptibility. The model was first trained with back propagation
algorithm and the effect of training was verified.