Characteristic Properties Analysis of Parki Sea Beach Sand
Sea sand, Direct Shear Test, Proctor Compaction test, Grain Size analysis, Compressive strength of mortarAbstract
The business of sand is large and it is meeting many needs for developing cities. From residential, economic sector, and governmental construction, to construction of roads and residential pathways, the soil has to meet all the spheres of development. The beach in Parki, Chittagong, Bangladesh is sandy and has a gentle slope with a length of 15 km and 300-350 feet wide. There is a huge opportunity of utilizing these vast sources if the properties of the sand of those sources are examined properly, carefully, and methodically. This study intends to deal to render a general understanding of the soil profile in regards to its physical properties and engineering behavior for various purposes in that coastal region indicating developments soon that can reasonably be expected from other investigators in the field. Direct shear test, proctor compaction test, grain size analysis, moisture content, specific gravity, and compressive strength of mortar were conducted for determining the properties of all the sea sand samples. The sand was uniformly graded with a very low angle of internal friction. The optimum moisture content values were ranged between 22% to 28% where the dry density values stayed between 1.58 g/cm3 to 1.66 g/cm3. The compressive strength of mortar for 7 days was varied between 1.58 to 2 MPa and for 28 days it varied between 6.5 to 13.70 MPa.