Numerical Study on the Stability of Cement Grouted Slope


  • Md. Mahmud Sazzad
  • Shah Alam


LEM, FEM, Slope stability, Cement grouting, Factor of safety


This paper examines the impact of cement grouting on the stability of cement grouted slope by Limit Equilibrium Method (LEM) and Finite Element Method (FEM). SLOPE/W is used here to study the impact of cement grouting by LEM and FEM. For the LEM, Bishop Method is used while for FEM, Mohr-Coulomb material model is considered. A homogeneous earth dam is considered for this analysis. The body of the dam is made of silty clay while cement is used as the grouting material. Cement grouting is applied in the slope in different ways. The factor of safety of cement grouted slope is calculated and the critical slip surface is identified. The results indicate that the factor of safety increases when the cement grouting is incorporated in the slope model. Factor of safety of cement grouted slope keeps increasing as the thickness of cement grouting increases even though not so noticeable. The factor of safety of slope increases with the increase of the cement grouting angle. Obvious increase in the factor of safety is perceived as soon as the numbers of parallel cement grouting increases. Besides, it increases the radius of the slip surface of the slope.




