A Case Study of Lower GOI Dam with and without the Shear Block Using Geostudio Software


  • Sonali Yadav
  • Sandeep Narulkar
  • Nikunj Binnani
  • Rohit Gupta


Slope/w analysis, Quake/w analysis, Shear key, Limit equilibrium method


Earth dams for the capacity of water for water system have been worked since the soonest times, these dams were, however, limited in the height but not necessarily in extent. Earth dam is presently being worked to exceptional statures. As they are built to unprecedented heights different types of failures occur in the dam structure. This paper deals with the slope stability analysis and quake analysis with the provision of the shear block along the core wall in the existing dam. Slope stability analysis and earthquake analysis are finished with the assistance of Geostudio 2021 software. The elements remembered for this investigation are the sudden Drawdown condition, at the time of construction, just after the construction, embankment material, base shear key material, foundation material, shear block, or shear wall material. In this paper, the factor of safety is dissected for two cases, such as (I) without a shear block in the core wall (ii) with the shear block in the core wall. Out of two cases, the best case to improve the factor of safety of the slope is (ii) with the shear block in the core wall in the earthen dam.




