Sandy Soil Stabilization using Jute Fiber as Admixture


  • Nafiul Islam
  • Nayem Ahmed
  • Sumaiya Akter
  • A S M Fahad Hossain


Direct shear test, 10mm pieces of jute fiber, Proctor compaction test, Sandy soil, Sieve analysis, Specific gravity test


Sandy soil can be considered weak and it has poor water retention properties, high permeability and highly sensitive to compaction. Different kinds of fibers can be used to stabilize sandy soil. In this research by using jute fiber as admixture is to improve the engineering properties of sandy soil. The most efficient fiber reinforcement results were obtained by adding jute fiber with content of 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% and 2% as admixture. Sieve analysis, specific gravity test, direct shear test and proctor compaction test were performed. In order to determine and compare both the untreated and treated soils, a specific gravity test was conducted. Particle size distribution of the soil sample was performed by the sieve analysis. In direct shear test for untreated and treated sandy soil the angle of frictions was determined. The angle of frictions are gradually increasing after using 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% and 2% jute fibers as admixture which means stability and shear strength properties of soil are increasing. After using 2% jute fiber as admixture in direct shear test better strength was found analytically. From proctor compaction test, maximum dry density and optimum water content were determined for different proportionate (jute fiber percentage same as before) of jute fiber as admixture. As for using 1% jute fiber as admixture, maximum dry density was obtained which means it increases strength and gives better volume stability.




