Different Properties and Effect of Silt Content on Sea Sand of Parki and Patenga Sea Beach, Chattogram, Bangladesh


  • Zannat Sultana
  • Saiful Islam Khan Shiyam
  • Aklima Khatun
  • A S M Fahad Hossain


Compressive strength of mortar, Proctor compaction, Sieve analysis, Specific gravity, Sea sand


Nowadays sand has been used for growing countries in a huge amount to build government construction (pavement, highway and residential pathways), residential building, industrial sector, commercial building and so on. Sand has also been used for mixing cement materials, such as concrete, mortar, and plaster. The beach of Parki and Patenga both are sandy soil and have a gentle slope with a length of 15 km (9.32mile) and 300-350 feet in width and 14 km (8.7mile) and narrow-wide respectively. This paper is aimed to define the properties of both sea beach, Parki and Patenga Sea Beach, Chottogram, also to discern the effect of silt content when it is mixed with the raw sea sand to improve the properties for use on different purpose on the construction basis. From the tests, it is found that the angle of internal friction Parki and Patenga Sea Beach varies from 35° to 45°. Both the sea sand is poorly graded in gradation and the mortar using this sand have very low strength that varies from 8 MPa to 18.56 MPa. The result of specific gravity on both sea sand varies from 2.65 to 2.68, moisture content on sea sand varies from 19% to 24%. In Parki and Patenga Sea Beach the maximum dry density varies from 1.6 to 2.2 g/cm3. The impact of silt content on sea sand is quite good, the angle of internal friction is increasing around 60, 80, 110 with the percentage of silt mixture 10%, 15%, 20% respectively. It approximately increases 110 on 20% silt content mixture with the raw sea sand.




