Site Specific Study for SGSITS Indore


  • Sobran Singh
  • Nikunj Binnani


Ground motion, Peninsular region, Response spectra, Site specific study, Site lithology


The site-specific study done for SGSITS Indore to determine the site lithology and to design response spectra for the campus. The selected site is located on a seismically stable peninsular region, which intensify the site-specific investigation. The proposed methodology for site-specific research begins with data collection using MASW, followed by selecting the earthquake motion and finally preceded with one-dimensional equivalent linear analysis using the DEEPSOIL program. The COSMOS database was used to obtain input ground motions. Four ground motions from the Bhuj earthquake and the Indian-Burma Border earthquake are considered for analysis. Surface level Peak Spectral Acceleration (PSA) for periods ranging from 0.10 to 0.16 seconds are found higher, reaching up to 2.501g while PSA for surface level considering mean motion is observed 1.707g at 0.136 seconds with an amplification ratio of 8.54. Results are presented in conformity with codal provisions. Bore hole data can be used to modify the modulus reduction and damping curves in this study.




