Seismic Analysis of H-Shaped RC Building using Bracings and Friction Damper
Bracings, E-TABS, Friction damper, Response spectrum analysis, Seismic analysis, Seismic responses of structure, Shear wallAbstract
The present study looks at how different bracing strategies affect the structural performance of buildings. The structural effectiveness of a variety of bracing techniques was also investigated. A ten-storey commercial RC structure was built for this project and then examined under lateral loading. Different types of bracing systems, such as crossover bracing, V-type bracing, and eccentric bracing, were used to study the structural performance of the RC building. A comparison of tale displacement, narrative drift, and storey shear was conducted. Finally, under equivalent conditions, cross diagonally braced structure out performs X-bracing RC Construction with friction damper. As a result of this research, we can state that the displacement of RC buildings with X-bracing and friction dampers is reduced by 79.3 % and storey drift is reduced by 71.4 % when compared to RC buildings without X bracing. The use of X-bracing and dampers in construction additionally raises base shear by 53.20percent.