Comparison of Seismic Responses of SDC C and SDC D Building Structures, According to BNBC 2020
Base shear, BNBC 2020, Earthquake load, ETABS, Seismic design categoryAbstract
Bangladesh lies in an active seismic zone. To lessen the seismic hazard risk the country has introduced new building code BNBC 2020, which incorporates defined seismic loading clauses. A new seismic zoning is addressed along with revised PGA values and spectral acceleration. Moreover, the code has included revised response reduction factor and seismic design category depending on site class and seismic zone. Choice of material and detailing provision is dependent on SDC. The effect of seismic design category on seismic response of building structures is of great interest for designers and researchers. For understanding the effect of SDC on seismic loading twelve three-dimensional full-scale finite element building model was prepared in three different seismic zones as per the code using ETABS V18. As moment frame and dual frame are the most commonly used structural system of the country, in this research seismic response for both the systems were analyzed. The comparison of the results shows that
seismic base shear, top story displacement and story drift are greater for SDC D in all seismic zones for both type of structural
framing and increases with the increase with zone coefficient. Core shear wall greatly improves the seismic response in all the zones compared to moment frame.