Journal of Recent Activities in Architectural Sciences (e-ISSN: 2581-9046) <p><abbr title="Journal of Recent Activities in Architectural Sciences"><strong>JoRAAS</strong></abbr> is a print e-journal focused towards the rapid Publication of fundamental research papers on all areas of Architectural Sciences. This Journal involves the basic principles of engineering principles and technology to building design and construction. Earthquake Engineering, Architectural Technology, Classical Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Construction Industry, Organic Architecture, Contemporary Architecture, Constructing Buildings, Architectural Technologist, Outline of Architecture, Urban Design, Theory and Planning, Sports Stadium and Structural Design. This Journal involves the comprehensive coverage of all the aspects of Architectural Sciences.</p> en-US Journal of Recent Activities in Architectural Sciences (e-ISSN: 2581-9046) Kinetic Facades : Future Of Hi-Tech Office Buildings <p>Buildings use 40% of worldwide electricity generated and are responsible for one third of greenhouse gases being produced. India is 6th largest carbon dioxide producer in the world. As the economy grows, there is increase in commercial and business activities. Commercial buildings are responsible for about 7% of the total electricity consumption in the country. Lighting and air conditioning consume 80% of energy in offices. Also, over 80 % of greenhouse gas emissions take place during these operational activities. In addition to it, buildings emit non –CO2 gases like halocarbons, CFCs, and HCFCs and hydro fluorocarbons during cooling, refrigeration, etc. Many technological innovations have been made to make building operations cost effective and energy efficient [1]. High cost of construction of energy efficient buildings and continuous increase in electricity rates for commercial buildings has made it imperative to study various components of a corporate building and their role in energy efficiency. Building envelopes form an important part of a building and influence all the parameters of human existence. A building envelope has multiple functions and thus each of these functions needs its own mechanism. In addition to energy efficiency, a building envelope should meet the user comfort requirements [2]. Thus a multi-functional building envelope needs to be adaptive to the changing external environmental stimuli and function autonomously without human interference.<br>This paper is focused on multi-functional building envelopes and development of kinetic facades around the world.</p> Ar. Shikha Aggarwal Dr (Ar) Prabhjot Kaur Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Recent Activities in Architectural Sciences (e-ISSN: 2581-9046) 2016-10-29 2016-10-29 1 2 12 18 Mix Proportion of Cementitious material in pervious concrete <p>Now a days the concrete industry is constantly looking for supplementary cementious material with the objective of reducing the solid waste disposal problem and economic in cost. The Fly ash and Ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) are among the solid wastes generated by Thermal power plant and iron manufacturing industry. To overcome from this crisis, partial replacement of cement with Fly ash and GGBS can be an economic alternative. And the cement is partially replaced with Fly ash and GGBS by 10%, 20% up to 30%. The effect of paste density on properties of pervious concrete by addition of various cementitious admixtures such as Fly ash and Ground Granulated blast furnace Slag (GGBS). So the physical and mechanical properties of pervious concrete will be beneficial for the forthcoming use of Fly ash and GGBS in the construction field of pervious concrete which will lead to reduce the cement consumption, environmental issue and environmental benefit.</p> Shrikant M. Harle Pankaj R. Teware Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Recent Activities in Architectural Sciences (e-ISSN: 2581-9046) 2016-12-18 2016-12-18 1 2 19 31 A Review on Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate With Coconut Shell In The Concrete <p>The high cost of conventional construction material affects economy of structure. With the increasing concern over excessive exploitation of natural aggregates, synthetic lightweight aggregate produced from environmental waste is a viable new source of structural aggregate material. It is becoming more difficult to find natural resources. Therefore the coconut shell as partial replacement for coarse aggregate in concrete is studied. It is observed that the Coconut Shells are more suitable as low strength-giving lightweight aggregate when used to replace common coarse aggregate in concrete production. Trying to replace aggregate by coconut shell partially is to make concrete structure more economic along with good strength criteria. From one cube calculation bulk amount of shell replacement can be evaluated &amp; reduces over all construction cost. This can be useful for construction of low cost housing society.</p> Shrikant M. Harle Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Recent Activities in Architectural Sciences (e-ISSN: 2581-9046) 2016-07-21 2016-07-21 1 2 1 11