Study of Deep Draw Parameters Using Advanced Techniques
CAE, Deep drawing, Development, Draw die, Economy, Forming simulationAbstract
Deep drawing is a crucial metal forming technique. Deep drawing is a type of complex deformation that is influenced by geometrical and process variables. Optimization of the deep drawing process is a difficult task. This paper provides an overview of deep drawing parameters. It suggests areas for further investigation, with the results of the current study demonstrating the successful production of an oil pan component. The study focuses on the evolution of the 'draw' component, changes in product design owing to manufacturing and assembly considerations, and the usage of various 'CAE' software in the design of draw tools. It was discovered that, in the past, dies were designed without taking into account the simulation step. So, even after dying manufacture, development teams have no proof that the produced die will deliver a component that meets the customer's requirements. If the die fails at the final step, die rework, or a new die design is required. When compared to traditional approaches, simulation helped to shorten the entire product development cycle. The time and expense of designing and developing a draw component using traditional and new CAE approaches were evaluated. CAE techniques were found to have accelerated the entire development cycle and impacted the total cost required. The study highlights the design intent of the oil pan and simulation techniques used in the initial phase of development. The problems of wrinkling, thinning, and splitting are observed in the initial stage of the design and it helped a lot further to decide the methodology for developing the oil pan during tryouts.