Wool Processing With Manufacturing Methods for Wool Sectors-A Review


  • Nemailal Tarafder


Apparel items, Carpet yarns, Cortical cells, Hairy look, Roving, Skirting, Tangling, Worsted yarns


Shearing is the first process that is normally held at the farm or ranch. Woollen and worsted are the two different processes for turning the wool fibers for the production of yarns to manufacture various items. The waviness or crimp in the wool fibers varies from breed to breed. The basic difference between worsted and woolen system is that the former tends to be smoother and is perfect for fine tailoring, whereas the latter is generally coarser and tends to have a great tactile quality. The origin of wool was discovered by an early man anthropologists believed in the use of wool to meet the challenges of survival. The sheep grow a wool coat and once every year, the wool from the body of the sheep is sheared off the animals. Wool has a very complex structure and unique character having covered with tiny overlapping scales, all pointing towards the same direction. In the wool weaving process, the so-called warp threads are gathered into bunches and tied onto a rod at the front of the loom. Wool is the animal fiber of outstanding importance, which comes from the fibrous covering of sheep, goats, camel, etc. The use of pesticides is an important part played in the production of wool from the viewpoint of water pollution and also direct harm to the health of the farmers. The surface scales of the wool fibers are mainly responsible for the unique felting and shrinking properties of wool fibres when they are in wet condition. The woolen industry can generate employment and also can diverse regions to employ in organized sectors.




