IoT Based Smart Home Automation and Security Using Labview and NodeMCU
Fire Sensor, Firebase, Node, MCU, MQ2 Gas Sensor, Power Module, Relay ModuleAbstract
The main objective of this paper is to develop a smart home using NodeMCU with the help of LabVIEW software. As technology is advancing, surroundings are also getting smarter. As a part of this smart development, modern houses are shifting from conventional switches to centralized control systems. The conventional system makes it difficult for the elderly and physically challenged to operate. So, this home automation system provides the best modern solution. In this home automation system, we use LabVIEW connected to NodeMCU which is a low-cost open-source IoT platform that helps in controlling lights, fans and to detect temperature, gas. LabVIEW is engineering software that provides rapid access to hardware and data insights. It makes the operation easy and helps us avoid bulk connections. Creating this type of integrated advanced technology helps we move faster into a new modern world. Home automation avail oneself of LabVIEW is tested and compared with existing standard ways. The planned system contains an easy structure, economically value effective, and versatile scaling up for a correct automatic home future.