Supervised Machine Learning with Features Selection for Network Intrusion Detection


  • V. Manasa
  • G. Fayaz Hussain
  • R. Jayasree
  • P. Jayasree
  • P. Naga Keerthana


ANN Algorithm, Intrusion Detection, Machine Learning, Network Intrusion Detection, SVM Algorithm


In evaluating performance of 2 supervised machine learning algorithms like SVM (Support Vector Machine) and ANN (Artificial Neural Networks). Machine learning algorithms are wont to notice whether or not request information contains traditional or attack (anomaly) signatures. Now-a-days all services area unit out there on web and malicious users will attack client or server machines through this web and to avoid such attack request IDS (Network Intrusion Detection System) are used, IDS can monitor request information then check if its contains traditional or attack signatures, if contains attack signatures then request are born. IDS are trained with all attainable attacks signatures with machine learning algorithms and then generate train model, whenever new request signatures arrived then this model applied on new request to work out whether or not it contains traditional or attack signatures. during this paper we have a tendency to area unit evaluating performance of 2 machine learning algorithms like SVM and ANN and through experiment we have a tendency to conclude that ANN surmount existing SVM in terms of accuracy. To avoid all attacks IDS systems has developed that method every incoming request to notice such attacks and if request is returning from real users then solely it'll forward to server for processing, if request contains attack signatures then IDS can drop that request and log such request information into dataset for future detection purpose. To notice such attacks IDS are previous train with all attainable attacks signatures returning from malicious user’s request then generate a coaching model. Upon receiving new request IDS will apply that request on it train model to predict it category whether or not request belongs to traditional class or attack category. To coach such models and prediction varied data processing classification or prediction algorithms are used.




