Enhanced Approach of Non-Smart to Smart Devices using IOT Techniques


  • T. Tirupal
  • V.Karthik
  • B.Jayanth
  • H. Jawaharlal
  • SK. Abdul Musaddif


Domestic, IOT, Internet, Monitoring, Technology


With the progression of innovation and more reliance of individuals on cell phones and expanding requests of a simple and brisk method for tackling everyday life task, it has acquired critical to have an innovation which can consultant over the domiciliary, industrial applications using internet of things (IoT). This paper is based on the implementation of new cost-effective methodology based on IoT to remotely controlling of appliances i.e. ON and OFF. IoT conceptualizes the idea of remotely connecting and monitoring real-world objects (things) through the internet. The IoT can be designed at different scales for different uses. It can start from our homes with simple lightning or appliance control. Today the increase in demand for service over the internet necessitated the data collection and exchange an efficiently. In this sense Internet of Things (IoT) has promised the ability to provide the efficient date storage and exchange by connecting the physical devices via internet. The IoT has created the revolution all over the world and fascinatingly it has become integral part of life. The IoT involves extending internet connectivity beyond standard devices such as desktops, laptops, smartphones, and tablets, to any range of traditionally dumb or non-internet enabled physical devices and everyday objects. Embedded with technology, these devices can communicate and interact over the internet, and they can be remotely monitored and controlled. The uniqueness of IoT design elements in their ability to sleep when not in use.




