Solar Based Automatic Irrigation System Using PIC16F690 Microcontroller and Moisture Sensor
LCD Display, Manual Switch and Battery, PIC16F690 Microcontroller, Solar Photovoltaic Panel, Soil Moisture Sensor, Water PumpAbstract
The primary target of this venture is to plan a little scope flooded framework that would utilize water in an increasingly efficient manner to forestall overabundance water misfortune and limit the expense of work. The accompanying angles are considered in the decision of plan arrangement, installation cost, water sparing, human intercession, reliability, power utilization, maintenance, expandability. Its objective to shield plants from kicking the bucket because of numerous reasons, for example, dryness, over the top water, and high temperature. A basic thought in the portion costs, since cost characterizes the suitability and achievability of a venture. The water sparing is likewise a significant element since there is a request to diminish water misfortune and to boost the proficiency use. The Power utilization should likewise be screen.