Smart Automation By Using Zigbee and GSM
Zigbee module, GSM module, Arduino mega.Abstract
This paper includes automation of electrical devices based upon the presence of an occupant.
The number of persons going in and out of a room or lab is counted using a counting
mechanism. The network is created using Zigbee transceivers. In every room, a Zigbee
transceiver known as an end device. The computer has a GUI interface for the users to
control the devices and also to monitor the status of the devices. For providing remote access
to the user a GSM modem interfaces with the central computer or PC. This paper shows the
design and implementation of a novel low-power, low-cost and hand-held wireless device
called a SensePod. Senseo pods can be used by a consumer to interact with a smart home or
room using simple gestures like rubbing, taping or rolling the device on any home surface
like a dining table. The device is smaller and forms an ad-hoc wireless network using the
ZigBee protocol, and it can be easily interfaced to existing home management systems using
a Universal Serial Bus (USB) port.